Ep.78 Followed: Pacific UFO Mystery

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Ep.78 Followed: Pacific UFO Mystery

Published: November 8, 2020

Nebojsa Borkovich shares extra-ordinary encounters while sailing across the Pacific Ocean in a 29-foot sailboat with his sailing companion Don a Navajo Indian. Were Neb and Don just casually observed out of pure curiosity or is there a deeper meaning, a more profound meaning?


Pacific UFO Mystery

by Nebojsa Borkovich

Imagine sailing across the Pacific Ocean in a twenty-nine-foot sailboat and being followed by UFOs throughout the voyage. This is exactly what happened to Neb Borkovich and his sailing companion, Donald Begay, a full-blooded Navajo Indian. Followed is a narrative of the encounters with the unknown, as well as their struggle to understand who might be behind this, what their motives are, and what it means to Neb and Don personally, and to humankind in general. Followed puts the reader at the helm, allowing them to see what these men saw and feel what they feel. This is a bona fide, well-publicized case, complete with documentation and supported by thorough research of the subject. Combined with their everyday sailing exploits, it makes for a great read on many levels.

The book consists of two, equally fascinating parts:

1. A description of the actual events as they happened during their voyage from La Paz, Mexico to Hawaii, and then to San Francisco in the Spring and Summer of 2000.

2. An analysis of the case, including video enhancements, drawings, expert opinions and correlations to other similar experiences.

As with any investigation of this kind, each answer only poses more difficult questions. With each successive chapter, Followed brings the author and reader alike closer to the door of the ultimate and undeniable truth behind the appearances of UFO vehicles in the skies of the planet. That which we always took for granted may only be a fleeting illusion. What we thought belonged to us may never have. This book is not attempting to paint a rosy picture, nor does it seek validation of the author´s views, but presents you with the hard facts of a reality that is far stranger than fiction.

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A couple of entries from Neb’s Log book on the boat describing one of the sightings. A red object he tried communicating with on VHF radio.

Raw and (last shot) enhancement Neb managed to videotape during his voyage. Disappeared/blinked out in 1/30th of a second. In just one video frame. 

Donald Begay’s prerogative dream drawing done at sea on July 27th,2000. And an unidentified object he photographed upon return home to Lukachukai, Arizona at 2 pm, September 20th,2000. Almost the same location as the dream predicted. The photo has been analyzed by Tom King a videographer who videotaped the “Phoenix Lights” event in 1997. Was stationary for 40 minutes.

Close up enhancement of the Lukachukai object. The bottom section of Begay’s dream UFO diagram.

Similar metallic sphere Neb saw over Sea of Cortez, Baja was photographed recently from an ‘Aeromexico’ flight in transit.

Neb’s subsequent sighting of two enormous boomerang and triangle-shaped crafts in 2009 in Arizona desert, the small town of Why with another witness.

Nebojsa Borkovich, Donald Begay and Mira.

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