Ep.319 A Wiltshire Sighting / Sheppard AFB
Published: 2 February, 2025
Starting us off tonight is Tori in New Jersey, sharing a UFO sighting from 2014 in a town in Wiltshire, UK. She witnessed a huge, round metal object above some houses. The object was silent and stationary; the experience scared the person she was with enough for him to run back inside, extremely scared, leaving her there alone and feeling uneasy, as she had no idea what she was looking at.
Then we move onto Tim in Ohio, whose experience occurred at Sheppard Air Force Base in Texas between Christmas and New Year of 1992. He was doing his rounds at the base in the early hours when he saw a spinning ball-type object about 200 feet over the runway.
Tori’s Encounter
Shape of Object: Huge round object with lights around.
Date: 2014
Location: Royal wootton bassett, Wiltshire, United Kingdom
Right Image: Drawing of Tori’s encounter
Tim’s Encounter
Shape of Object: Bright orb/light
Date: 1992
Location: Sheppard AFB, TX 76311, United States
Tim’s Article on X:
The Electric UFO Enigma
Tim’s X: https://x.com/ProjectBlue777