Ep.298 Knock Knock

Ep.298 Knock Knock

Published: September 8, 2024

In this episode, we are in the state of Utah in the US, to meet Bueller. He has some strange encounters he’s going to be sharing with us tonight. Including a spirit encounter at a hospital, a visit at his house from the Black-eyed children, and his experiences while going door-to-door doing his missionary service for the Church of Latter-Day Saints.

Right Images: Bueller’s Grandma photos from early 1990’s, and at nursing school (World War 2).

Right drawing: Rough-sketched view from the master bedroom in his apartment to the front door (which was covered in all the Christmas cards sent by friends and loved ones). His bed and bathroom are to the right. This picture was drawn sometime after the visit from his grandmother.

Right Image: The grocery store where he had the encounter with the hybrid extraterrestrial woman (which has changed names twice since, but this was the original name, and what it still was at the time of the encounter).

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