Ep.262 Hiding In The Clouds
Published: December 31, 2023
Our last guest of the year is Debra in Idaho, And she will be sharing some of her UFO sightings And paranormal encounters that have happened over the last few years.
Right Image: This was taken the day after my second sighting. I waited until an aeroplane was at approximately the same exact height and directly in front of me. This would have been the south end of the giant craft that I saw. It was extremely close and Very long. If this was an actual picture of the craft I saw, this photo would have only captured a small portion that was right in front of me. It was massively huge! I’m always slightly thrown off when looking at the plane in this photo. It’s disturbing, what I saw would have held thousands of these aeroplanes, like filling a box with matchsticks.
Bottom Right Image: This photo was taken later in the year, but I want you to see what the country looks like. This is a photo looking south in the direction it travelled once it became a ball of light.
Below Videos: Balls of light

Top Right Image: Just something odd

Middle Right Image: View from my front porch. Selkirk Mountains (I think). This is where the second video of the orange/red orbs was taken and where they were hanging out. Strung along the top of this mountain range.

Bottom Right Image: Same mountain range. August 11, 2022. There is a notch in the top of that mountain, and a light was in the notch. I’ve never seen anything up there before or since.