Ep.168 It Flew Right Over My Head

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Ep.168 It Flew Right Over My Head

Published: June 12 2022

We start off tonight in the state of Texas to hear about Clifton’s UFO sighting in Grand Prairie, when Clifton and his friend witnessed a large black object moving silently over their street in 2007. Then we head to North Carolina to speak to Mike about a sighting of a large cigar-shaped UFO that Mike encountered in 1976, while out on his paper round. This object with no visible means of propulsion 80-100ft in length and had a very interesting light array.

Guest: Clifton

Location: Grand Prarie, TX.

Time/Date: Year between 2007/2008. 3:30 AM and 5:30 AM

Right Image: Object witnessed by Clifton and his friend.

Guest: Mike

Location: Greensboro, NC .

Time/Date: Between 7:30 – 9pm Nov 1976

Below Images: Rendering of Cigar-shaped object seen by Mike and map and location of viewing.

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