Ep.300 Crows Landing

Ep.300 Crows Landing

Published: September 22, 2024

In this episode, we meet James Pike, a laid-back Southern California surfer who experienced a life-altering event on the night of July 15, 2006. While driving from Santa Barbara to Portland, Oregon, he encountered something truly extraordinary. As he navigated the highway at 65 miles per hour, an object appeared, capturing his full attention and putting him in a trance-like state. He found himself locked in a surreal event, which he believed to be an encounter with an unidentified flying object.

Prior to this, in 2006, Pike had a premonition that he might meet his end during a nighttime freeway drive to Portland on a specific day and time. Preparing for this, he experienced not death, but an encounter with the UFO. Over the years, this incident marked just the beginning of a series of remarkable experiences for James. He has since had numerous encounters, synchronicities, and episodes of telepathic communication. James’s artistic expression, particularly his UFO-themed art, has become a form of therapy, helping him process these profound experiences.

Right image: Drawing by James of encounter along the US Interstate 5

Location: Interstate 5 (I5) 

Crows Landing, California


James Benjamin Pike



Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/ufo_surf/

X: @UFO_Surfer


Below images: James with his artwork and models of the UFO he witnessed.

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